Report a malfunction; Available 24 hours a day

Do you need boiler maintenance? Something broken? Replace toilet seats? You can report urgent defects and malfunctions 24 hours a day. The 123Wonen back-up service ensures that you are helped as quickly as possible.

We do ask you to first check whether the solution cannot wait until the next day. Only for malfunctions or defects you can call our on-call service. You will find the contact details in your management or rental agreement.

Please feel free to contact us.

report a malfunction

De volgende meldingen worden gekwalificeerd als spoedeisend:

  • Uitval van de C.V. installatie, die niet zelf op te lossen is;
  • Dusdanige lekkage aan de waterleiding, waardoor forse schade dreigt te ontstaan;
  • Gehele stroomuitval of uitval van vitale groepen zoals C.V., vrieskist of koelkast;
  • Dusdanige daklekkage, waardoor ernstige schade dreigt te ontstaan.

Reporting a malfunction at your home

You can report a malfunction to your home using the form below. This service is only accessible to tenants who explicitly state in their lease that the management of the home has been outsourced to Vastgoed Beheer. In all other cases, you as a tenant must contact the owner of the house in the event of a malfunction.

Fill in your details below:

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